Lookup the location and threat profile of any IP Address to localize your website content, analyze logs, enrich forms, target ads, enforce GDPR compliance, perform redirections, block countries, detect VPNs and more.
We provide a fast, highly available IP Geolocation API backed by accurate data.
Locate your website visitors by IP Address with city and postal code granularity.
Check if an IP Address is listed in any of 100+ Threat Feeds instantaneously.
Detect anonymous users to protect your business from fraud and abuse.
Get the name and domain of the organization that owns any IP address.
Determine whether an IP Address belongs to an ISP, Datacenter or Business.
Machine Learning generated reputation scores for advanced threat detection.
We help you prevent fraud on your ecommerce store. Stop fake account signups on your SaaS or App. Manage GDPR and CCPA regulatory compliance. Localize or fence your website's content based on a user's location and analyze logs and website traffic.
Sign up and start buildingShow users events, flights, ads, stores or the weather near them in the correct language, timezone & currency.
Reduce the occurence of chargebacks or free trial quota abuse by fake spammy accounts.
Protect your business site from abuse in the form of ban circumvention, promotional offer abuse, site scrapers etc
Only serve users in states you have a license to. Gate your content by country or continent and other geo-compliance.
More than 40,000+ developers depend on us for IP Intelligence.
"ipdata allowed us to develop new features on our app and personalize the experience of our customers. Their service is really easy to use and to implement.β
βipdata helps us prevent spammy signups on our newsletters. We've used it a couple of years and it's been rock solid the whole time with no outages...β
Build location aware applications and protect your business from bad actors with the most reliable IP Geolocation service.